Build a bigger table
Your generosity, compassion, and empathy are what drive our reparative work here in Southern Vermont.
Accompanying our new neighbors, whether they are asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, residents, or citizens, requires a practice empathy, patience, and generosity. With these practices we can cultivate a community that is truly welcoming and start to feel that we are not alone in this work. We are surrounded by a community of committed people like you, like our team coordinators, like our community partners.
We are proud of the work you are doing to accompany asylum-seekers in their journey to make a new home and we hope you will continue to practice generosity in the many other aspects of your life.
Thank you for being a part of ours!
Accompanying our new neighbors, whether they are asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, residents, or citizens, requires a practice empathy, patience, and generosity. With these practices we can cultivate a community that is truly welcoming and start to feel that we are not alone in this work. We are surrounded by a community of committed people like you, like our team coordinators, like our community partners.
We are proud of the work you are doing to accompany asylum-seekers in their journey to make a new home and we hope you will continue to practice generosity in the many other aspects of your life.
Thank you for being a part of ours!