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Delivering first-person news

Every story we publish at Orato World Media features the true, verified, first-person account of the subject who endured or witnessed the newsworthy event or experience. At the same time, each piece is written and verified by a vetted and approved journalist after interviewing the subject. We call this first-person news. While the practice is gaining attention and momentum in mainstream media and by journalism departments at colleges and universities around the globe, Orato World Media is the only news organization publishing exclusively in the first-person. 

Due to the nature of our novel venture, combined with our 501(c)(3) non-profit status in the United States, Orato is rapidly gaining attention in the media industry and becoming THE CHOICE for the next generation of reporters, allowing citizens from around the world to share their voice in a sea of misinformation and disinformation.

Individual philanthropic support remains critical to the Foundation, allowing us to publish and teach first-person journalism, and providing the resources to support and compensate hundreds of journalists – many of whom live in developing nations with little opportunity. Gifts allow our nimble team of talented creatives to engage audiences, provide editing and coaching to young writers, develop the brand story, enhance our technological capabilities, and dream big about the future of journalism. Annual gifts under $5,000 and monthly contributions allow us to meet the needs of the moment with an eye on the future. All gifts made within the United States are tax-deductible according to IRS guidelines.

When you click "donate," you will have the option to cover processing fees, so the full amount of your donation goes to support first-person news. You will also have the option to "tip" Snowball - our fundraising software provider. On the drop-down menu you will find various tip options or you may select "none."


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