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Give to Life On A High Note
Yes, I want to make a contribution to Sweet Adelines Support Life on A High Note campaign!
Direct your gift to support a specific program or initiative by choosing one of the funding areas below.
Direct your gift to support a specific program or initiative by choosing one of the funding areas below.
Your giving supports education and scholarship initiatives, youth outreach, and projects, programs, and member services that are a priority to the organization.
Select the Donate Now box below to give to the fund of your choice with either a one-time or recurring gift.
Want to give more frequently? Recurring gifts are an easy way to make a big impact at an amount that works for you. Select the Donate Now box below and choose your giving amount and donation frequency on the next page to set up a recurring gift.
Thank you for Supporting Life on a High Note!
Select the Donate Now box below to give to the fund of your choice with either a one-time or recurring gift.
Want to give more frequently? Recurring gifts are an easy way to make a big impact at an amount that works for you. Select the Donate Now box below and choose your giving amount and donation frequency on the next page to set up a recurring gift.
Thank you for Supporting Life on a High Note!